Real Time Clock Module DS1302

Arduino本身並沒有時鐘功能,所以必須靠其它模組才能提供時間的功能。最常見的就是DS1302時間模組。使用方法相當簡單,只要找對了函式庫,輕鬆就能寫出 ...,Introduction.TheDS1302moduleisaReal-TimeClock(RTC)modulethatcantrackyears,months,days,weekdays,hours...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[Arduino範例] DS1302時鐘模組快速上手

Arduino本身並沒有時鐘功能,所以必須靠其它模組才能提供時間的功能。最常見的就是DS1302時間模組。使用方法相當簡單,只要找對了函式庫,輕鬆就能寫出 ...

Real Time Clock Module (DS1302)

Introduction. The DS1302 module is a Real-Time Clock (RTC) module that can track years, months, days, weekdays, hours, minutes, and seconds. It also has the ...

Problem saving current time and date on DS1302

I just started to work with Arduino and I need to save current time on DS1302. I tried to upload an example code to my system and I succeed.

DS1302 clock calendar and WEEK NUMBER

The difficult part is determining when week #1 begins, after that calculating the week number within the year would be easy using the unix timestamp.

Ds1302examples01GetDateTime.cpp at master

A C/C++ library to use DS1302 RTC chip. Contribute to Treboada/Ds1302 development by creating an account on GitHub.

[PDF] DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip

The real-time clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for.

Setting and Reading date and time of a DS1302 (RTC) without ...

A B4R project that can write (to) and read (from) the date/time of a DS1302 (MH-REAL-TIME CLOCK MODULES - 2) by making use of the B4R core library only.

Real Time Clock - DS1302 : 8 Steps

The real-time clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Only three wires are required to communicate with the ...

DS1302 Real Time Clock Module

The DS1302 provides seconds, minutes, hours, date, day of week and year with leap-year compensation up to the year 2100. You can use 24-hour mode or 12-hour ...

DS1302 year register

Unless the year is also divisible by 400, then it is still a leap year. This means that year 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years, while ...


Arduino本身並沒有時鐘功能,所以必須靠其它模組才能提供時間的功能。最常見的就是DS1302時間模組。使用方法相當簡單,只要找對了函式庫,輕鬆就能寫出 ...,Introduction.TheDS1302moduleisaReal-TimeClock(RTC)modulethatcantrackyears,months,days,weekdays,hours,minutes,andseconds.Italsohasthe ...,IjuststartedtoworkwithArduinoandIneedtosavecurrenttimeonDS1302.ItriedtouploadanexamplecodetomysystemandIsucceed.,...