DS1302 year register
Unless the year is also divisible by 400, then it is still a leap year. This means that year 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years, while ...
Real Time Clock - DS1302 : 8 Steps
The real-time clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Only three wires are required to communicate with the ...
DS1302 Real Time Clock Module
The DS1302 provides seconds, minutes, hours, date, day of week and year with leap-year compensation up to the year 2100. You can use 24-hour mode or 12-hour ...
Real Time Clock Module (DS1302)
Introduction. The DS1302 module is a Real-Time Clock (RTC) module that can track years, months, days, weekdays, hours, minutes, and seconds. It also has the ...
DS1302 clock calendar and WEEK NUMBER
The difficult part is determining when week #1 begins, after that calculating the week number within the year would be easy using the unix timestamp.